Wednesday, April 29, 2009


MNC's are complex organizations however, they dominate the worldwide market. Knowing the background and nature of MNC's, answer the following:

1. Identify the benefits and disadvantages of MNC's.
-----Multinational Companies are able to sell far more than other type of company.Multinational companies can avoid transport costs. Multinationals can take advantage of different wage levels in different countries. Multinationals can achieve great economies of scale.Multinationals have less chance of going bankrupt than small companies. Multinationals can carry out a lot of research and development. On the other hand there may be disadvantages of MNC. Remittance of dividends and profits that can result in a net outflow of capital. MNCs engage in anticompetitive activities such as formation of cartels and dumping. MNCs offer higher wages to its employees in the host countries,which is much more than any other domestic firm. Obsolete technology may be used in the host country.

2. Identify one MNC company and describe its operation.
-----Coca-Cola Bottlers Corp. has its daily bottling. It will be assisted by the materials department which is in-charge of the tools or materials to be needed for the operation. Then the production department will facilitate the bottling but before that, the Quality Assurance Department will check the product to be filled in the bottle. After bottling, the Logistics department will then in-charge of the releasing to the market that will be looked after by the Sales Department. And that is the routine of the operation.

3. Describe how the parent control/coordinates with its subsidiaries in other countries or region.
-----The Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries maintain a long-standing commitment to equal opportunity, affirmative action, and valuing the differences of their employees, shareowners, customers and consumers.

4. How is IT maximized or used by this MNC?
----- One example that IT is commonly used by MNC is through advertisements. They promote their products by using technologies. And in fact its a very big help for the MNC to send information. Another is through internet. Communication of the employees through internet is also such a big help.

5. What were the weaknesses/problems encountered by this MNC from its environment and global setup?
-----Consider country-level opportunities too small to warrant senior management attention. Approach developing markets from a cost-cutting - rather than revenue-generating - mindset. These are some problems encountered by the MNC.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Prelim Question 3

A company has basically four (4) levels of organizational hierarchy and each level makes use of unique IT technology and software to address and/or support their works. Answer then the following:

1. Identify and describe information systems (IS) used in each level.
Information requirements are different at all levels of the organization. As information flows from bottom to top. Information becomes increasingly diffuse as it flows from top to bottom.
-----The top level supports strategic planning and policy making at the highest level of management. The second level of information resources aid tactical planning and decision making for management control. The third level supports day-to-day operations and control. The bottom level consists of information for transaction processing. It then follows that since decision making is specific to hierarchical levels in an organization, the information requirements at each level vary accordingly.

2. How do these IS help the employees and managers achieve their objectives.
Information systems can be designed to support product or service organizations, project organizations, lateral relations and matrix organizations.
-----Describes general concepts for managing change with information system projects. information system also provides concepts of organization organizational theories, principles, structure, behaviour and processes such as communication, power and decision making; and motivation and leadership behaviour
3. Cite a local or national company that makes use of these IS and identify the benefits and drawbacks/lapses of these IS.
Boston,Inc. makes use of these IS. The company has provided some insight on information security contravention, they leave incomplete understanding of the omission of information security measures among people who know how to protect their systems but fail to do so.

Prelim Question 4

Ethics is relevant regardless of the type of organization and style of management. It is by this ethics that legal and moral laws are established. IT is not at all excluded from this. Answer then the following. 1. List down the ethics for computer usage.
  • To respect the intended use of all computer accounts for university research, clinical, instructional, and administrative purposes and to follow the rules and regulations governing the use of UW facilities and equipment
  • To respect the privacy of others by not sending them unwanted email messages, misrepresenting them when sending email, or tampering with their accounts, files, or data
  • To use only your own user identification, and to use it for the purposes for which it was intended
  • To not attempt to break a computing system or harass other people, either by developing programs for those specific purposes or by using already existing programs to do so
  • To not use university-owned computers for personal activities for for illegal purposes, such as unauthorized copying of license or copyrighted software.
2. What common forms of ethic violations happen in the internet and in the organization? -----Specifying false or misleading identification when required to do so for any purpose associated with the use of the computer system.Attempting to penetrate or alter computer security mechanisms or gain access to restricted information;Using another person's account without their knowledge;Engaging in any activity which deprives others of their privileges on the computer system.

3. How does ethics affect the decision making of mangers?
-----Ethics programs identify preferred values and ensuring organizational behaviors are aligned with those values. This effort includes recording the values, developing policies and procedures to align behaviors with preferred values, and then training all personnel about the policies and procedures. This overall effort is very useful for several other programs in the workplace that require behaviors to be aligned with values, including quality management, strategic planning and diversity management.
4. Cite a company which experienced legal or social conflicts because of its violation of ethics.
a. Describe briefly the nature of the problem.
b. How was this resolved?
c. Who were affected?
d. What were the damages?
Syngenta Seeds and Dekalb Genetics Corp. were both cited for changing the operation of their fumigant chambers without proper notification and approval from the DOH, the department said. The Kauai seed-processing facilities were fined $9,900 and $5,900, respectively. Both companies paid their fines.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prelim Question 2

An organization may adopt a closed-system or open-system model. Answer the following:

1. Discuss the pro's and con's of each model.
----- A closed system is a system which tries to keep its structure and its policies even when they don't fit the surrounding environment. every firm may become a closed system when it gets caged by its past success , unwilling to examine new information. even a person may become a closed system when they hold strong schemata, stereotypes, categories which are not open to a new scanning. Broadly speaking a new system is a system doesn't look into new information thoroughly because there's kind of mental filler which makes the system analyze just the information which confirm the old schemata. An open system is a flexible, open to new information and able to internet with the environment, moreover which is part of the environment. Its comprehensive and interacting part of it.

2. Cite a company that uses any of this model. Describe briefly how this chosen model affect the entire company.
-----Many small firms including Halvan or American cluster uses this ability. The Linux computer operating system, for instance is an open source and Red Hat Inc. the corporation, selling the bundled revisions the multiple inputs from geographically dispersed users represents an organization that would cease to exist if it were not an open system perspective. Thus stable environment with low complexity are more consistent with flexible decentralized or organic management styles.

3. Evaluate how an environment affects the organization and its management. Discuss the pro's and con's of not responding to the demands of the environment.
----- Closed system versus open system do not represent a dichotomy, but rather a continuum along which organizations are more open or less open to their environments.
Environment affects the organization and its managemen because, some organizations consume raw materials in the production of products and emit finished goods and pollution as a result.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prelim Question 1

-----We are now working in an information economy -- with information as the key resource. But similar to other resources, information must be produced, consciously used, and effectively deployed. -
It is important for the companies to be aware of the newest resource, so that they are able to use it efficiently, and benefit from it, as well as not abuse it.Information is a resource on its own, as well as an asset to others. It starts with data, which leads to information, coming together as knowledge, and resulting in wisdom. Companies, are also not able to own information like we are able to own resources such as land and capital. Information is, however, far more accessible that these resources, and has become our key resource.

-----2GO is the total supply chain solutions provider under the Aboitiz Transport System (ATS) Ð- the transport and logistics company of Aboitiz & Company (ACO) and owned by publicly listed arm, Aboitiz Equity Ventures (AEV).

Through knowing the newest external information the company, it would create another idea on how to develop their services/products. Because I believe the demand of the public must be the goal of the company. And with the help of the newest information on the environment they would know where to adjust and what shall they do.