Tuesday, May 5, 2009


1. Research Philippine company and one international company that have employed e-commerce.
-----Filipino firms in the mould of eBay (based in the US) are Divisoria.com operates B2C portals for general merchandise. It is one of the companies having successfully used e-commerce for their business, same with this international company the Chapters, which not only has physical stores, but an online store where the customer can buy books, CDs and DVDs.

2. Describe e-commerce operate in these companies.
-----Divisoria.com delivers worldwide and all prices are in United States dollars. They advertise their products through internet. Same with Chapters. They inform customers about their new products through internet.

3. Identify the benefits, constraints derived by these companies from e-commerce.
-----E-commerce provides additional customers for these companies. Those customers who prefer to surf internet for them to purchase something instead going to some place for shopping. It also helped them reach out those who are abroad who wants to have their products. But despite of those benefits, it may take a period of days for the customers to have the orders.

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